About Us
Kenya Motor Sports Federation (KMSF), the ASN, is the sole body governing national and international motorsport events. It is recognized by the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) under Article 3.3 of the FIA Statutes, and the Kenyan Government, as the sole authority having the sporting power with the right to organize, regulate, and safeguard all safety, sporting, technical, and disciplinary matters relating to national and international championships and series in Kenya.

Jim Kahumbura – KMSF Chairman / President
Mwaura Njuguna – General Manager
- Sikh Union Club (SUC)
- East African Safari Rally Classic (EASRL)
- Kenya Motor Sports Club (KMSC)
- Rallye Sports Club (RSC)
- Rift Valley Motor & Sports Club (RVMSC)
- Mombasa Motor Sports Club (MMC)
- Alfa Romeo Owners Club (AROC)
- Equator Motor Club (EMC)
- Western Kenya Motor Club (WKMC)
- Nanyuki Rally Group (NRG)
KMSF was founded in 2002 after the Automobile Association of Kenya (AA) delinked Motorsport from its core activities.
KMSF has its headquarters at the Sikh Supreme Council Building, Prof. Wangari Maathai Road, Nairobi, or in such a place the KMSF board of Directors may determine.
Kenya Motorsports clubs shall at all time times refrain from manifesting racial, political or religious discrimination in the course of administering Motorsport actives in Kenya.
Objectives of KMSF
- To promote the development of motor sport, improve on safety in motor sport, enact, interpret and enforce common rules applicable to the FIA Code of Conduct, Statutes and Regulations and the fair and equitable running of motor sport competitions.
- Promoting the development of the facilities and services of the affiliated member Clubs, Associations and national sporting authorities, the FIA and the coordination of reciprocal services between Member Clubs.
- Exercising jurisdiction pursuant to disputes of a sporting nature and any disputes which might arise between its Members, or in relation to any of its Members having contravened the obligations laid down by the KMSF/FIA Statutes, the International Sporting Code and the Regulations.
Members Entitlement to Vote:
There can only be one vote per club. KMSF activities embrace the entire national territory and cover mobility assistance, tourism (which may include camping) and an advocacy role in the interest of users and their safety on the one hand, and motor sport on the other. Moreover, the FIA must have granted it authority to exercise the Sporting Power.
A Club only loses its NCRs authority if, no longer fulfilling all of the above-mentioned conditions, the General Assembly of the FIA so decides.
The FIA shall recognise in each country and for all branches of motoring only one Sporting Power, which under all circumstances shall remain responsible to the FIA; the holder of this power is the direct motor sport representative of its country, namely the Kenya Motorsports Federation. It is entrusted with having the international regulations laid down by the International Sporting Code of the FIA enforced in its country.
Obligations of KMSF
- The Clubs, Associations or Federations, which are members of the KMSF, shall, by the very fact of their admission into the FIA, agree to abide without reservation by the Statutes. They shall undertake to do this when they file their application for membership. Likewise, they shall undertake to enforce in their respective countries the general regulations established by the FIA and the appendices thereto.
- They shall also undertake to accept, observe, and enforce all decisions taken by the bodies of the FIA, including the International Tribunal, the International Court of Appeal, the Senate, the World Council for Automobile Mobility and Tourism, the World Motor Sport Council and the General Assembly.
- The Members of the FIA must send to the Administration of the FIA a list of their affiliated groups and report all changes to that list. They may only accept as affiliated groups those, which adhere to the Statutes, to the general regulations, established by the FIA and to the appendices thereto;
Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee shall be entrusted with safeguarding the integrity and reputation of motor sport, as defined in the Preamble of the FIA Code of Ethics worldwide and shall perform all other missions entrusted to it by the It may suggest amendments to the KMSF Statutes or to the FIA Code of Ethics.
Upon complaints from one of the persons listed below: officers, members, or license-holders of FIA Members; officials, organisers, drivers, competitors and license‐holders; and regarding any alleged breach of the ethical principles as contained in the FIA Statutes, International Sporting Code and Regulations, or on its own initiative, the Ethics Committee investigates and assesses the given situation and submits a report to the President of the FIA, who may decide to take any further action. A copy of this report will be submitted to the members of the FIA Senate, the complainant and the person implicated for information
The Drivers’ Commission’s objectives are: to examine any questions concerning drivers and the sporting discipline of driving in Motor Sport and to advise the KMSF about them through their respective sponsoring clubs to represent the rights and interests of the drivers and to draw up recommendation accordingly as per the FIA Sporting Code; to maintain contact with the International Olympic Committee’s Athletes’ Commission and those of other International Federations
Competition License Holders
Without prejudice to the powers to impose decisions described in Articles 15, 16 and 35 of FIA, hereto and subject to the powers of the Stewards, the International Tribunal is competent in disciplinary matters in the first instance.
It may directly impose the sanctions provided for in the FIA Disciplinary and Judicial Rules on: involved in who acts or brings dispute in Motorsport.
Any person who is subject to or who has agreed to be bound by the International Sporting Code, and other FIA regulations and decisions; and in general, any person who benefits, in any manner whatsoever, from an authorisation or approval issued on behalf of or by the FIA, or who takes part in any manner whatsoever in a race, competition or other event organised, directly or indirectly, by the FIA or subject to FIA regulations and decisions; employees, representatives, agents and service providers of the persons listed above, irrespective of any liability of those who employ them or are represented by them, and of the possibility of prosecuting those persons or bodies.
Nevertheless, Members of the FIA have an exclusive competence to decide whether or not to prosecute and to impose sanctions for offences and infringements referred to below on their employees, representatives, agents and service providers unless these persons, in another capacity, fall directly under jurisdiction of the International Tribunal according to Article 25 hereto
KMSF Commissions
- Rally Sport Commission
- Autocross Commission
- Safety Commission
- Medical Commission
- Karting Commission
- Historical Car Commission
- 4×4 Commission
- Hill Climb / eSport Commission
- Rally Raid Commission
- Appeals Board
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